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Lancashire Anomalous Phenomena Investigation Society

The Dalby Spook

aka Gef the Talking Mongoose

Christopher Josiffe


Chris Josiffe's book, Gef! The strange tale of an extra special talking mongoose is available from all the usual places, and is recommended as perhaps The definitive summary of the evidence available.

We are indebted to Christopher Josiffe as his presentation at the excellent Weird Weekend North 2019 was the inspiration for our Gef adventure.


His excellent book “GEF! The Strange Tale of an Extra Special Talking Mongoose” has been invaluable in our research.

The book condenses 10 years of weirdness into a concise four hundred-odd pages, a feat which is remarkable considering the complexity of the case. A plethora of photographs and contemporary newspaper clippings are included alongside an in depth analysis of every aspect of the occurrences. 

Alongside "The Haunting of Cashen's Gap" by Harry Price and Richard Stanton Lambert "Gef! The Strange Tale of an Extra Special Talking Mongoose" by Christopher Josiffe is an absolute Must-Read for any Gef researcher. 

It is available from various places, but to make life easy for you HERE's a link...


For more about Christopher Josiffe see

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